Αρχείο Ύμνων
- A name I highly treasure (1946) - Eliason, C. Oscar
- A shelter in the time of storm (1880) - Charlesworth, J. Vernon, Sankey, D. Ira
- Abba father, let me be (1977) - Bilbrough, Dave
- Abide with me (1861) - Lyte, F. Henry, Monk, H. William
- Above all (1999) - Baloche, Paul, LeBlanc, Lenny
- Ain («Marching to Zion», 1709) - Lowry, Robert, Watts, Isaac
- All consuming fire (1987) - Wright, Randy
- All hail the power of Jesus' name (1780) - Holden, Oliver, Perronet, Edward
- All heaven declares (1987) - Richards, Noel, Richards, Tricia
- All honor (1990) - Falson, Chris
- Always my friend (1918) - Clausen, Henry C.
- Amazing grace (1835) - Walker, William
- An evening prayer (1911) - Battersby, C. Maud, Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles
- Ancient of days (1992) - Harvill, Jamie, Sadler, Gary
- And can it be? (1738) - Cambell, Thomas, Wesley, Charles
- Angels we have heard on high («Les Anges dans nos campagnes», 1862) - Barnes, Edward Shippen , Chadwick, James, Tune "Gloria"
- Anywhere with Jesus (1887) - Dixon, C. A. Helen, Pounds, Jessie Brown, Towner, Daniel B.
- Are you washed in the blood (1878) - Hoffman, A. Elisha
- Arise and sing (1979) - Ray, Mel
- Arms of love - Doerksen, Brian, Musseau, Craig
- As David did (1984) - Nystrom, Martin J.
- As the deer (1984) - Nystrom, Martin J.
- Ascribe greatness (1979) - Kirkbride - Barthow, Mary, Locke, Mary Lou
- At Calvary (1895) - Newell, William R., Towner, Daniel B.
- At the cross (1918) - Hudson, Ralph, Watts, Isaac
- At the name of Jesus (1950) - Noel, Caroline, Vaughan Williams, Ralph
- Ave verum corpus (1791) - Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Pope, Innocent VI
- Away in a manger (1887) - Kirkpatrick, William J., Murray, James R., Άγνωστος
- Away in a manger (Little Lord Jesus) (1895)
- Awesome God (1988) - Mullins, Rich
- Baguio (1918) - Byers, Andrew Linnaeus, Naylor, Charles Wesley
- Barouh hashem Adonai (1982) - Rodgers, Daun, Walker, Tricia
- Baruch Haba (1987) - Wilbur, Paul
- Battle hymn of the republic (1861) - Ward - Howe, Julia , Παραδοσιακό Αμερικής
- Be Exalted o God (1977) - Chambers, Brent
- Be glorified (1991) - Funk, Billy
- Beautiful (1897) - Warren, Elliott Barney
- Because He lives (1974) - Gaither, William J.
- Beni soit le seigneur (1984) - Suter, Hermann
- Beulah land (1876) - Stites, Edgar Page, Sweney, John Robson
- Bless His holy name (1973) - Crouch, Andrae
- Blessed assurance (1873) - Crosby, Fanny J., Knapp, P. Phoebe
- Blessed be the fountain («Whiter than the snow», 1881) - Latta, Eden Reeder, Perkins, Henry Southwick
- Blessed be the Lord God almighty (1984) - Fitts, Bob
- Blessed be Your name (2002) - Redman Beth, Redman, Matt
- Blood bought saints sing hallelujahs (1928) - Hall, George, Hooker, E. Gordon
- Blow the trumpet in Zion (1983) - Terndrup Craig
- Born again (1974) - Culverwell, Andrew
- Break every chain (2009) - Reagan, Will
- Bring your vessels, not a few (1912) - Morris, Lelia
- Bringing in the sheaves (1880) - Minor, A. George, Shaw, Knowles
- Burdens are lifted at Calvary (1952) - Moore, John M.
- By Your blood (1984) - Funk, Billy, Nystrom, Martin J.
- Calvary (1977) - Holm, Dallas
- Celebrate Jesus (1988) - Oliver, Gary
- Change my heart, oh God (1982) - Espinosa, Eddie
- Chautauqua (1877) - Sherwin, F. William
- Christ arose (1874) - Lowry, Robert
- Christ our hope in life and death? (2020) - Boswell, Matt, Getty, Keith
- Christ receiveth sinful men (1883) - Mc Granahan, James
- Christ returneth (1906) - Mc Granahan, James, Turner, H. L.
- Christ the Lord, is risen today (1708) - Davidica, Lyra, Wesley, Charles
- Christ's ambassadors (1928) - Wagner Mrs. George
- Cling to the bible (1888) - Murray, James R., Smith, M. J.
- Close to Thee (1874) - Crosby, Fanny J., Vail, J. Silas
- Come and dine (1907) - Widmeyer B. Charles
- Come bless the Lord (1966) - Άγνωστος
- Come Holy Spirit (1971) - Peterson, John W.
- Come into my heart, o Lord Jesus (1924) - Clarke, Harry Dudley
- Come thou fount of every blessing (1758) - Robinson, Robert, Wyeth, John
- Come thou long expected Jesus (1744) - Carr, Sheri, Prichard, Rowland Hugh, Wesley, Charles
- Come to the savior, make no delay (1870) - Root, George Frederick
- Come, Holy Spirit (1964) - Gaither, William J.
- Come, Thou almighty King (1757) - Giardini, Felice, Wesley, Charles
- Cornerstone (2012) - Liljero, Eric, Morgan, Reuben Timothy
- Count your blessings (1897) - Excell, O. Edwin, Oatman, Johnson Jr.
- Create me in a clean heart (1984) - Green, Keith
- Creation (1797) - Haydn, F. Joseph, Άγνωστος
- Crown Him with many crowns («Diademata», 1851) - Bridges, Matthew, Elvey, George Job
- Crusader's hymn (1842) - Άγνωστος, Παραδοσιακό Σιλεσίας
- Deeper, deeper (1900) - Jones, P. Charles
- Denn dort starb Jesus an dem Kreuz (2001) - Strauch, Peter
- Diadem (1839) - Ellor, James
- Did you feel the mountains tremble? (1995) - Smith, Martin
- Ding dong merrily on high («Branle de l'Officiel (1588)», 1924) - Arbeau, Thoinot , Woodward, George Ratcliffe
- Doxology (1551) - Bourgeois, Louis, Ken, Thomas
- Draw me close (1994) - Carpenter, Kelly
- Easter song (1974) - Herring, Anne
- Ein feste burg ist unser Gott (1527) - Luther, Martin
- Emmanuel (2005) - Morgan, Reuben Timothy
- Emmanuel, Emmanuel (1976) - McGee, Bob
- Es klingt ein Lied so frisch und frei - Fuhrmann, Heinz
- Eternal rest (1918) - Harris, Thoro
- Even me (1862) - Bradbury, William B., Codner, Elizabeth
- Eventide (1861) - Lyte, F. Henry, Monk, H. William
- Every move I make - Ruis, David
- Every promise (2008) - Άγνωστος
- Everyday (1999) - Houston, Joel
- Exalt the Lord (1977) - Ridings, Rick
- Face to face (1898) - Breck, E. Carrie, Tullar, C. Grant
- Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwelling («Go ye», 1886) - Mc Granahan, James
- Father God I wonder (1984) - Smale, Ian
- Fill my cup, Lord (1959) - Blanchard, Richard
- Fill this temple (1995) - Moen, Don
- Finlandia hymn (1899) - Schlegel, Katharina, Sibelius, Jean
- For God so loved the world - Ewing, Robert
- For the Lord is marching on (1979) - Low, Bonny
- For this purpose (1985) - Kendrick, Graham
- For those tears I died (1969) - Stevens, Marsha J.
- Freund, wir zieh'n ins heimatland - Άγνωστος, Παραδοσιακό
- Friend (1878) - Stebbins, Coles George
- Friendship with Jesus (1898) - Ludgate, C. Joseph
- From Bethlehem to Calvary - Davis, Ray
- From the rising of the sun (1976) - Deming, Paul
- Fully trusting (1894) - Morgan, John Coleman , Stebbins, Coles George
- Get all excited (1972) - Gaither, William J.
- Give me Jesus - Παραδοσιακό
- Give thanks (1978) - Smith, Henry
- Give them all to Jesus (1975) - Benson, Bob Sr., Johnson, Phil
- Gleam (2017) - Spear, Cindy L., Μανωλίδου, Τατιάνα
- Gloria Patri (1851) - Greatorex, Henry Wellington
- Glorify Thy name (1976) - Adkins, Donna
- Glory to God, hallelujah (1885) - Crosby, Fanny J., Kirkpatrick, William J.
- Glory to His name (1878) - Hoffman, A. Elisha, Stockton, H. John
- Glory to the Lamb (1983) - Dempsey, Larry
- Glory to the Lord (2000) - Moen, Don
- Glory, glory, glory, somebody touched me (1963) - Άγνωστος, Παραδοσιακό
- Go bury thy sorrow (1871) - Bachelor, A. Mary, Bliss, Philip Paul
- Go, tell it on the mountain (1903) - Work II, John W., Παραδοσιακό
- God be with you (1882) - Rankin, E. Jeremiah, Tomer G. William
- God can do it again (1977) - Moen, Don
- God holds the key (1887) - Parker, Joseph, Stebbins, Coles George
- God is good (1985) - Kendrick, Graham
- God is great (2001) - Sampson, Marty
- God is my refuge (1987) - LeBlanc, Charlie
- God is so good - Άγνωστος
- God Is still on the throne (1929) - Suffield, Frederick W., Suffield, Kittie L.
- God will make a way (1990) - Moen, Don
- God will take care of you (1904) - Martin, D. Civilla, Martin, W. Stillman
- God with us (1988) - Kendrick, Graham
- Grace unmeasured (2005) - Cauflin, Bob
- Great are You, o lord - Henderson, Gerald S., Παραδοσιακό
- Great is the Lord (1985) - Mcewan, Steve
- Great is the Lord, He is holy (1982) - Smith, D. Deborah, Smith, Michael W.
- Great is Thy faithfulness (1923) - Chisholm, O. Thomas, Runyan M. William
- Greensleeves (1600) - Παραδοσιακό
- H Παρθένος σήμερον (540) - Μελωδός, Ρωμανός
- Hallelujah (1984) - Cohen, Leonard
- Hallelujah for the cross (1887) - Bonar, Horatius, Mc Granahan, James
- Hallelujah, Christ is risen (1891) - Mc Granahan, James, Wordsworth, Christopher
- Hallelujah, thank you Jesus (1972) - Sinclair, Jerry
- Hanson place (1864) - Lowry, Robert
- Hark! my soul, seraphic music (1905) - Teasley, Ο. Daniel
- Hark! the herald angels sing (1739) - Mendelssohn, Felix, Wesley, Charles
- Have thine own way (1907) - Pollard, A. Adelaide , Stebbins, Coles George
- He has made me glad (1976) - Brethorst, Leona
- He hideth my soul (1890) - Crosby, Fanny J., Kirkpatrick, William J.
- He is exalted (1985) - Paris, Twila
- He is here, He is here (1972) - Owens, Jimmy
- He is Lord - Άγνωστος
- He is the saviour of my soul (1965) - Browne, Howard Rodney , Kuhlman, Kathryn
- He keeps me singing (1910) - Bridgers, B. Luther
- He leadeth me (1862) - Bradbury, William B., Gilmore, H. Joseph
- He lifted me (1905) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles
- He lives (1933) - Ackley, H. Alfred
- He touched me (1963) - Gaither, William J.
- He who began a good work (1987) - Mohr, Jon
- He will carry you (1982) - Brown, Scott Wesley
- He will hide me (1878) - Mc Granahan, James, Servoss, Mary Elizabeth
- He's coming soon - Harris, Thoro, Liliuokalani, Lydia
- He's everything to me (1964) - Carmichael, Ralph
- Hear our praises (1998) - Morgan, Reuben Timothy
- Heart of worship (1997) - Redman, Matt
- Heaven come down (1961) - Peterson, John W.
- Heavenly Father, I appreciate You (1978) - Maranatha, Παραδοσιακό
- Here I am (1982) - Bowater, Chris
- Here I am to worship (2001) - Hughes, Tim
- Here is love, vast as the ocean (1876) - Lowry, Robert, Rees, Williams
- Hermas (1871) - Havergal, Frances Ridley, Άγνωστος
- Hevenu shalom alehem - Άγνωστος, Εβραϊκή μελωδία
- Hiding in Thee (1891) - Cushing, Orcutt William, Sankey, D. Ira
- Higher ground (1902) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles, Oatman, Johnson Jr.
- His banner over me is love - Παραδοσιακό
- His eye is on the sparrow (1906) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles, Άγνωστος
- His name is wonderful (1959) - Mieir, Audrey
- Holy are you Lord (1997) - MacAlmon, Terry
- Holy ground (1983) - Davis, Geron
- Holy is the Lord of hosts (1977) - Bergese, Alain, Prince, Nolene
- Holy Spirit thou art welcome (1977) - Rambo, Dottie
- Holy, holy (1972) - Owens - Colins, Jamie
- Holy, holy, holy Lord (1966) - Scholtes, Peter
- Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty! (1826) - Dykes, B. John, Heber, Reginald
- Hosanna (1985) - Tuttle, Carl
- How deep the Father's love for us (1990) - Townend, Stuart
- How great is our God (2004) - Cash, Ed, Reeves Jesse, Tomlin Chris
- How great is your love (1990) - Altroggie, Mark
- How majestic is your name (1981) - Smith, Michael W.
- Hymn to joy (1824) - Beethoven, Ludwig van
- I am a new creation (1983) - Bilbrough, Dave
- I am a poor wayfaring stranger (1858) - Άγνωστος, Παραδοσιακό Αμερικής
- I am the God that healeth thee (1986) - Moen, Don
- I am thine (1875) - Crosby, Fanny J., Doane, William H.
- I believe in a hill called mount Calvary (1968) - Gaither, Gloria, Gaither, William J.
- I came to praise the Lord (1973) - Gaither, William J.
- I cannot be idle (1897) - Henry, J. William
- I exalt Thee (1977) - Sanchez, Pete Jr
- I extol You (1985) - Randolph, Jennifer
- I go to the rock (1977) - Rambo, Dottie
- I have chosen you - Schultz, Gordon
- I have decided to follow Jesus - Άγνωστος
- I have heard of that city of wonder (1966) - Christiansen, M. Avis
- I have precious news to tell (1891) - Hoffman, A. Elisha
- I hear angels singing praises (1994) - Nystrom, Martin J.
- I hear thy welcome voice (1872) - Hartsough, Lewis
- I just want to praise You (1984) - Tannous Arthur
- I know who holds tomorrow (1950) - Stanphill, Ira
- I know whom I have believed (1892) - Mc Granahan, James, Whitlle Webster Daniel
- I lift my hands - Kempen, Andre
- I live to worship (2003) - Stevens, Mark
- I love you Lord (1978) - Klein, Laurie
- I love you with the love of the Lord (1977) - Gilbert, James
- I must tell Jesus (1894) - Hoffman, A. Elisha
- I need Thee every hour (1872) - Hawks, S. Annie, Lowry, Robert
- I shall not be moved (1950) - Benson, T. John, Pate, A. James
- I sing praises (1989) - MacAlmon, Terry
- I surrender all (1896) - Van De Venter, Judson W., Weeden S. Winfield
- I want to praise you Lord («https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPLr9m6avGA») - Randy Thomas, Scott, Sam
- I was glad when they said unto me - Παραδοσιακό
- I will call upon the Lord (1981) - O'Shields, Michael
- I will celebrate (Linda Duvall) (1982) - Duvall, Linda
- I will celebrate (Rita Baloche) (1990) - Baloche, Rita
- I will come & bow down (1984) - Nystrom, Martin J.
- I will praise Him (1898) - Harris, Margaret Jenkins
- I will praise Him, hallelujah (1906) - Teasley, Ο. Daniel
- I will praise You Lord (1986) - Brooks, Robin
- I will sing of my redeemer (1877) - Bliss, Philip Paul, Mc Granahan, James
- I would be true (1911) - Harlow, Samuel Ralph, Peek, Joseph Yates, Walter, Howard Arnold
- I'll be a sunbeam (1900) - Excell, O. Edwin, Talbot Nellie
- I'll fly away (1929)
- I'll stand by (1878) - Mc Granahan, James, Whitlle Webster Daniel
- I'm forever grateful (1986) - Altroggie, Mark
- I'm longing dear Lord for that haven (1935) - Ackley, Bentley DeForrest, Smith, J. Oswald
- I'm so glad Jesus set me free - Παραδοσιακό
- I've believed the true report (1908) - Jones, P. Charles
- I’m redeemed, I’m redeemed (1884) - Fisher, C. Joseph
- If that isn't love (1969) - Rambo, Dottie
- Immanuel (1987) - Card, Michael
- In Christ alone (2002) - Getty, Keith, Townend, Stuart
- In His time (1978) - Ball, Diane
- In moment like this («https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAhlIHCZw5A», 1980) - Graham, David
- In my heart there rings a melody (1923) - Roth, Elton M.
- In my life, Lord, be glorified (1978) - Kilpatrick, Bob
- In the arms of my dear savior (1904) - Bolds, Otto, Warren, Elliott Barney
- In the garden (1912) - Miles, Charles Austin
- In the Name of the Lord (1986) - Gaither, Gloria, McHugh, Phillip J., Patty, Sandi
- In the shadow of your wings (1984) - McNeil, Debby, Spurr, Cathy
- In the sweet by and by (1868) - Bennett, F. Sanford, Webster, P. Joseph
- In the twinkling of an eye (1898) - Crosby, Fanny J., Kirkpatrick, William J.
- In Your presence, o God (1996) - DeShazo, Lynn
- Innocents (1850) - Παραδοσιακό Γαλλίας
- Is He worthy? (2018) - Peterson, Andrew, Shive, Benjamin Aaron (Ben)
- It came upon the midnight clear (1850) - Sears, H. Edmund, Willis Richard Storrs
- It is glory just to walk with him (1918) - Christiansen, M. Avis, Lillenas, Haldor
- It is no secret (1950) - Hamblen, Stuart
- It is well (1876) - Bliss, Philip Paul
- It passeth Knowledge (1875) - Sankey, D. Ira, Shekleton, Mary
- Jehovah Jireh (1974) - Watson, Merla
- Jesus Du bist König (1982) - Kvammen, Asulf
- Jesus is alive (1987) - Kenoly, Ron
- Jesus is calling - Crosby, Fanny J., Stebbins, Coles George
- Jesus loves even me (1870) - Bliss, Philip Paul
- Jesus loves me (1859) - Bradbury, William B., Warner, Anna Bartlett
- Jesus loves the children - Harris, Thoro, Root, George Frederick
- Jesus name above all names (1974) - Hearn, Naida
- Jesus never fails (1927) - Luther, A. Arthur
- Jesus put this song into our hearts (1986) - Kendrick, Graham
- Jesus saves (1910) - Kirkpatrick, William J., Owens, J. Priscilla
- Jesus shall take the highest honour (1988) - Bowater, Chris
- Jesus You're the sweetest name of all (1980) - Coomes, Tomy
- Jesus your presence makes me whole (1985) - Hinn, Benny
- Jesus, how lovely you are (1975) - Bolton, Dave
- Jesus, savior, pilot me (1871) - Gould, E. John, Hopper, E. Edward
- Jesus, we enthrone You (1980) - Kyle, Paul
- Jesus, we just want to thank You (1974) - Gaither, William J.
- Jesus, what a friend for sinners - Chapman, J. Wilbur, Prichard, Rowland Hugh
- Jewett (1786) - Schmolck, Benjamin, Weber, Carl Maria von
- Joseph's song (How could it be?) (1987) - Card, Michael
- Joy to the world (1719) - Watts, Isaac, Παραδοσιακό
- Joy unspeakable (1900) - Warren, Elliott Barney
- Just a closer walk with Thee (1850) - Negro spiritual, Άγνωστος
- Just a little talk with Jesus (1937) - Derricks, Cleavant
- Just as I am (1835) - Bradbury, William B., Elliott, Charlotte
- Lamb of God (1985) - Paris, Twila
- Lascia ch'io pianga (1705) - Haendel, George Frideric, Άγνωστος
- Latakia (1860) - Taylor, Edward G., Άγνωστος
- Launch out (1918) - Carter, Russel Kelso, Simpson, B. Albert
- Lead me, savior (1880) - Davis, M. Frank
- Lean on His arms (1903) - Jones, Lewis
- Leaning on the everlasting arms (1887) - Hoffman, A. Elisha, Showalter, J. Anthony
- Leoni (1650) - Leoni, Jacob Jehudah, Άγνωστος
- Let all mortal flesh keep silence («Σιγησάτω πᾶσα σάρξ βροτεία», 1864) - Moultrie, Gerard, Tune "Picardy", Vaughan Williams, Ralph
- Let all the earth hear His voice (1985) - Kendrick, Graham
- Let God arise (1984) - Kendrick, Graham
- Let God arise, let - Bacon, Elizabeth
- Let our praise to You be as incense (1979) - Chambers, Brent
- Let the fire fall on me (1928) - Henry, J. William
- Let the lower lights be burning (1871) - Bliss, Philip Paul
- Let the redeemed of the Lord say so - Ellis, Ward
- Let there be glory & honor & praises (1978) - Greenelsh, James & Elizabeth
- Let us break - Αμερικανική μελωδία
- Let's just praise the Lord (1972) - Gaither, Gloria, Gaither, William J.
- Life's railway to heaven (1891) - Abbey, Ε. Margaret, Snow, Eliza Roxey, Tillman D. Charlie
- Lift high the banners of love (1975) - Gillard, Richard
- Lift up your heads (1975) - Fry, Steven L.
- Like a mighty sea (1901) - Gilmour, Lake Henry, Zelley, J. Henry
- Lobe den herren (1725) - Bach, Johann Sebastian, Neander, Joachim
- Look to the lamb of God (1908) - Black, James Milton , Jackson, Henry Godden
- Lord I lift your name on high (1989) - Founds, Rick
- Lord reign in me (1998) - Brown, Brenton Gifford
- Lord we love you (1985) - Hinn, Benny
- Lord you are always here with me (2000) - Jarpehag, Elsa & Bo
- Love divine (1747) - Wesley, Charles, Zundel, John
- Lovely Lord (1997) - Hartman, Bob
- Magnify the Lord with me (1957) - Tee A.
- Majesty (1981) - Hayford, Jack W.
- Make me a blessing (1924) - Schuler, S. George, Wilson B. Ira
- Making war in the heavenlies (1987) - Searcy, George
- Mansion over the hilltop (1949) - Stanphill, Ira
- Mary did you know? (1996) - Greene, Buddy, Lowry, Mark
- Mary's boy child (1952) - Hairston, Jester
- Mas aya del sol - Άγνωστος, Περουβιανή μελωδία
- Master, the tempest is raging (1874) - Baker, Mary Ann, Palmer, Horatio Richmond
- Mid scenes of confusion (1829) - Bishop, Henry Rowley, Denham, David
- Mighty to save (2006) - Fielding, Ben, Morgan, Reuben Timothy
- Min bönevrå - Tornberg Allan
- Moment by moment - Moody, May Whittle, Whittle, Daniel Webster
- More abundantly (1914) - Harris, Thoro
- More like the master (1906) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles
- More love to Thee (1856) - Doane, William H., Prentiss, Elizabeth
- More precious than silver (1982) - DeShazo, Lynn
- More than conquerors (1978) - Grein, Bill & Janny
- More than tongue can tell (1879) - Sankey, D. Ira
- Must I go, and empty handed (1878) - Luther, Charles C., Stebbins, Coles George
- My faith looks up to Thee (1830) - Mason, Lowell, Palmer, Ray
- My home is on the rock (1913) - Geibel, Adam, Oatman, Johnson Jr.
- My Jesus, I love Thee (1876) - Featherstone, Ralph William, Gordon, Judson Adoniram
- My lamb of God (1987) - Bliss, Steven, Kisaka, Alan
- My love (1965) - Hatch, Tony
- My peace (1975) - Routledge, Keith
- My redeemer lives (1998) - Morgan, Reuben Timothy
- My tribute (To God be the glory) (1971) - Crouch, Andrae
- Nailed to the cross (1900) - Breck, Carrie Ellis, Tullar, C. Grant
- Near the cross (1869) - Crosby, Fanny J., Doane, William H.
- Nearer, my God, to Thee («Bethany», 1841) - Adams, F. Sarah, Mason, Lowell
- Never alone (1897) - Jackey, Fred, Pickett, Ludie D.
- No longer slaves (2015) - Case, Joel, Helser, Jonathan David, Helser, Melissa, Johnson, Brian
- No one ever cared for me like Jesus (1932) - Weigle F. Charles
- None but Christ (1879) - B.E., Mc Granahan, James
- Nor silver nor gold (1900) - Gray, M. James, Towner, Daniel B.
- Nothing but the blood (1876) - Lowry, Robert
- Now I belong to Jesus (1943) - Clayton, Norman J.
- Now I have found a friend (1854) - Hope, Henry, Mason, Lowell
- O church arise (2005) - Getty, Keith, Townend, Stuart
- O come all ye faithful («Adeste fideles», 1852) - Oakeley, Frederick , Wade, John Francis
- O come let us sing for joy (1987) - Mason, Robert E.
- O for a thousand tongues (1828) - Gläser, G. Carl, Wesley, Charles
- O happy day - Doddridge, Philip, Rimbault F. Edward
- O haupt voll blut und wunden (1601) - Gerhardt, Paul, Hassler, Hans Leo
- O little town of Bethlehem («St. Louis», 1868) - Brooks, Phillips, Redner H. Lewis
- O magnify the Lord (1981) - O'Shields, Michael
- O store Gud (1885) - Boberg, Carl, Άγνωστος
- O the blood of Jesus
- O worship the king (1833) - Grant, Robert, Haydn, F. Joseph
- O, the dearest name of all is Jesus (1902) - Clements, R. John, Danks, Hart Peace
- Oceans (2011) - Crocker, Matt, Houston, Joel
- Oceans will part (2012) - Fielding, Ben
- Oh glory to God he has lifted me up - Άγνωστος
- Oh how he loves you and me (1975) - Kaiser, Kurt
- Oh the deep deep love (2008) - Francis, Samuel Trevor , Kauflin, Bob
- Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus (1875) - Francis, Samuel Trevor , Williams, Thomas John
- Oh the glory of His presence (1983) - Fry, Steven L.
- Oh, how I love Jesus - Whitfield, Frederick
- Oh, let me hide in Thee (1918) - Gaines, James Washington
- Oh, so wonderful (1978) - Meece, David
- Oh, that will be glory (1900) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles
- Oh, why not tonight? (1842) - Bushey, J. Calvin, Reed, Eliza Holmes
- Oh! Happy day (2006) - Cantelon, Ben, Hughes, Tim
- Oh! holy night (1847) - Adam, Adolphe Charles, Cappeau, Placide
- Oh! say, but I'm glad (1930) - Sullivan, Mildred Ellen, Sullivan, P. James
- Old black Joe (1860) - Foster, Stephen
- Old time power (1895) - Tillman D. Charlie
- One door and only one - Άγνωστος
- Only by grace (1990) - Gustafson, Gerrit
- Onward, christian soldiers (1871) - Baring, Gould Sabine, Sullivan, Arthur
- Open our eyes (1976) - Cull, Robert
- Open the door of your heart («Οpen the door of your heart», 2008) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Open the eyes of my heart (1997) - Baloche, Paul
- Our God reigns (1974) - Smith, Leonard E. Jr (Lenny)
- Our Sunday school (1889) - Smith, R. James, Sweney, John Robson
- Pass me not, o gentle savior (1868) - Crosby, Fanny J., Doane, William H.
- Power of your love (1992) - Bullock, Geoff
- Praise anthem - Banov, G.
- Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (1709) - Ken, Thomas, Mason, Lowell
- Praise him on the trumpet («https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdFEl-qruZA», 1981) - Kennett, John
- Praise Him! Praise Him! (1869) - Allen, Chester G.
- Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah - Clarkson, M.
- Praise the name of Jesus (1976) - Hicks, Roy Jr
- Praise ye the Lord, hallelujah - Παραδοσιακό
- Praise, I will praise You Lord (1975) - Fraysse, Claude
- Prepare to meet Thy God (1909) - Stanley, James Henry
- Prophetic truth (1911) - Bear, B. F., Warner, Daniel Sidney
- Redeeming love (1964) - Gaither, William J.
- Regent square (1866) - Smart, T. Henry, Wesley, Charles
- Reign in me (1985) - Bowater, Chris
- Rejoice evermore - Howard, Erica
- Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice (1986) - Bowater, Chris
- Rejoice, the Lord is king (1770) - Darwall, John, Wesley, Charles
- Rejoice! (1983) - Kendrick, Graham
- Rescue (1869) - Doane, William H.
- Revive thy work, o lord (1858) - Doane, William H., Midland, Albert
- Revive us again (1865) - Husband, J. John, Mackay, P. William
- Rise again (1977) - Holm, Dallas
- Rock of ages (1834) - Hastings, Thomas, Toplady, Augustus
- Rock of my salvation (1982) - Muller, Teresa
- Rockingam (1932) - Adams, C. Elizabeth, Miller, Edward
- Rooftops (2010) - Berlin, Jonathan , Sweat, Lindsey Nicole, Williams, Ben
- Salvation belongs to the Lord (1985) - Howard, Adrian, Turner, Pat
- Sanctuary (1984) - Scruggs, Randy, Thompson, John
- Sanctus (1827) - Schubert, Franz
- Saving grace (1901) - Johnston, Julia H., Towner, Daniel B.
- Sawley (1860) - Bates, David, Walch, James
- See amid the winter's snow (1858) - Caswall, Edward , Goss, John, Sir
- See Him lying on a bed of straw (1965) - Perry, Michael
- See what a morning [Resurrection hymn] (2003) - Getty, Keith, Townend, Stuart
- Seek ye first (1971) - Lafferty, Karen
- Send the fire (1929) - Harris, Thoro
- Send the light (1890) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles
- Seraphs laud Thee - McCullagh, Thomas, Τυρολέζικη μελωδία
- Shine Jesus shine (1987) - Kendrick, Graham
- Shout to the Lord (1993) - Zschech, Darlene
- Sicilian mariners (1794) - Falk, D. Johann, Tattersall's Psalmody
- Silent Night (1818) - Gruber, Franz Xaver
- Silver and gold have I none - Παραδοσιακό
- Silver cord (1894) - Anderson, George Washington, Stebbins, Coles George
- Since Jesus came into my heart (1914) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles, McDaniel, H. Rufus
- Sing and pray - Παραδοσιακό
- Sing for joy in the Lord (1984) - Sellers, John
- Sing hallelujah to the Lord (1974) - Stassen, Linda
- Sing to the Lord of Lords - Άγνωστος
- Sing unto the Lord (1987)
- Sing, shout, clap (1990) - Funk, Billy
- Singing all the time (1878) - Hammond, Edward Payson, Stebbins, Coles George
- Sinner, in thine own esteem (1700) - Wesley, Charles, Παραδοσιακό Γαλλίας
- So close I believe - Zschech, Darlene
- Softly and tenderly (1880) - Thompson L. Will
- Some golden daybreak (1934) - Blackmore, Carl A.
- Something beautiful (1971) - Gaither, Gloria, Gaither, William J.
- Sometimes Alleluia (1974) - Girard, Chuck
- Soon and very soon (1976) - Crouch, Andrae
- Speak my Lord (1911) - Bennard, George
- Speak to my soul (1897) - Pickett, L. Leander
- Spirit of the living God (1935) - Iverson, Daniel
- St. Edmund (1872) - Sullivan, Arthur
- Standing on the promises (1886) - Carter, Russel Kelso
- Sun of my soul («Hursley», 1774) - Keble, John, Άγνωστος
- Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place (1977) - Wolfe, Lanny
- Sweet hour of prayer (1845) - Bradbury, William B., Walford William
- Sweeter as the years go by (1912) - Morris, Lelia
- Swing low, sweet chariot (1865) - Willis, Wallace (Wallis)
- Take me in (1986) - Browning, Dave, Musseau, Craig
- Take my life and let it be (1780) - Havergal, Frances Ridley, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- Take the name of Jesus with you (1870) - Baxter, Lydia, Doane, William H.
- Teach me Thy way, o Lord (1919) - Mansell, Ramsey Benjamin
- Tell it to Jesus (1878) - Lorenz, Edmund Simon, Rankin, E. Jeremiah
- Tell me the old, old story (1866) - Doane, William H., Hankey, Kate
- Tell me the story of Jesus (1880) - Crosby, Fanny J., Sweney, John Robson
- Ten thousand reasons (2011) - Myrin, Jonas, Redman, Matt
- Thanks - Άγνωστος
- The angel's voices are really heard (1900) - Cousins, W. E., Mc Granahan, James
- The battle belongs to the Lord (1984) - Owens - Colins, Jamie
- The beautiful Body of Christ (2010) - Mote, Gordon
- The beauty of Jesus (1927) - Jones, M. Tom, Orsborn, Albert
- The celebration song (1977) - Chambers, Brent
- The church's of foundation (1866) - Stone, J. Samuel, Wesley, Samuel S.
- The family of God (1970) - Gaither, Gloria, Gaither, William J.
- The fight is on (1905) - Morris, Lelia
- The first noel (1833) - Davies, Gilbert, Sandys, William
- The gospel bells (1877) - Martin, Samuel Wesley
- The great physician (1870) - Hunter, William, Stockton, H. John
- The greatest thing in all my life is knowing you (1977) - Pendergrass, Mark
- The home over there (1887) - O'Kane, Tulius Clinton
- The joy of the Lord (1971) - Vale, Alliene G.
- The lily of the valley (1881) - Fry, Charles W.
- The Lord is good - Maranatha
- The lord is king, enthroned (1859) - Root, George Frederick, Άγνωστος
- The Lord is marching out (1986) - Kendrick, Graham
- The Lord reigns (1980) - Stradwick, Dan
- The Lord's my shepherd (1872) - Irvine, Jessie Seymour, Whittingham William
- The Lord's prayer (1934) - Malotte, Albert Hay
- The New Jerusalem (1911) - Teasley, Ο. Daniel
- The ninety and nine (1868) - Clephane, C. Elizabeth, Sankey, D. Ira
- The old account settled (1902) - Graham, Frank Monford
- The old rugged cross (1920) - Bennard, George
- The old time religion (1902) - Harris, Margaret Jenkins
- The power of the cross (2005) - Getty, Keith, Townend, Stuart
- The rock of my salvation (1982) - Sauni, Shona
- The saviour with me (1944) - Crosby, Fanny J., Sweney, John Robson
- The servant king (1983) - Kendrick, Graham
- The solid rock («My hope Is built on nothing less», 1863) - Bradbury, William B., Mote, Edward
- The sound of joyful shouting (1985) - Butterbaugh, David
- The steadfast love of the Lord (1974) - McNeil, Edith
- The unveiled Christ (1916) - Herrell, Noah Benjamin
- Then Jesus came (1946) - Rodeheaver, Homer, Smith, J. Oswald
- Then shall the virgin rejoice (1974) - Watson, Merla
- There is a better world (1870) - Hayhurst, John, Lyth, John
- There is a fountain filled with blood (1773) - Cowper, William, Mason, Lowell
- There is a land my eye hath seen (1897) - Towner, Daniel B.
- There is a redeemer (1982) - Green, Melody
- There is a river (1969) - Sapp, Max & David
- There is no condemnation - Parsons, Joan
- There is none like you (1991) - LeBlanc, Lenny
- There shall be showers of blessing (1883) - Mc Granahan, James, Whitlle Webster Daniel
- There's been a change in me - Άγνωστος
- There's power in the blood (1899) - Jones, Lewis
- There's something about that name (1970) - Gaither, Gloria, Gaither, William J.
- Therefore the redeemed of the Lord (1972) - Lake, Ruth
- They'll know we are christians (1966) - Scholtes, Peter
- This Blood (1993) - Licciardello, Carman
- This is My commandment - Παραδοσιακό
- This is the day (1967) - Garrett, Les
- Thou art worthy (1963) - Mills, Pauline Michael
- Though your sins be as scarlet (1887) - Crosby, Fanny J., Doane, William H.
- Through it all (1971) - Crouch, Andrae
- Thy life was given for me (1858) - Bliss, Philip Paul
- Thy loving kindness (1956) - Mitchell, Hugh
- Thy word is a lamp unto my feet (1984) - Grant, Amy, Smith, Michael W.
- Tis burning in my soul (1896) - Kirkpatrick, William J., White, T. Delia
- Tis marvelous and wonderful (1919) - Morris, Lelia
- To be like Jesus - Παραδοσιακό
- To be pleasing You (1999) - Muller, Teresa
- To God be the glory (1875) - Crosby, Fanny J., Doane, William H.
- To the work (1908) - Crosby, Fanny J., Doane, William H.
- Tochter Zion (1847) - Haendel, George Frideric, Ranke Friedrich Heinrich
- Trees of the field (1975) - Dauermann, Stuart, Ruben, Steffi Geiser
- Truro (1789) - Burney, Charles
- Trust on (1881) - Stebbins, Coles George, Άγνωστος
- Turn your eyes upon Jesus (1922) - Lemmel, H. Helen
- Vår store Gud gör stora under (1876) - Frykman, Nils, Σουηδική μελωδία
- Veni, veni Emmanuel (1200) - Παραδοσιακό
- Vi är här (1994) - Aslaksen, Bjorn
- Vi vill ge Dig ära (1992) - Hellmark, Eva Lena
- Victory in Jesus (1939) - Bartlett, Eugene M.
- Victory Song (Through Our God) (1979) - Garratt, Dale
- Victory through grace (1890) - Crosby, Fanny J., Sweney, John Robson
- W Zlobie Lezy (1612) - Skardze, Piotrowi, Παραδοσιακό Πολωνίας
- Walk in the light (1851) - Barton, Bernard, Greatorex, Henry Wellington
- Waymaker (2016) - Okoro, Egbu, Osinachi, Kalu
- We are gathered here in Jesus’ name - Hall, Pam Mark
- We are gathering together unto Him (1979) - Moore, Patricia
- We are here to praise you (1986) - Kendrick, Graham
- We are marching in the light of God
- We are one body (1993) - Baloche, Paul, Kerr, Ed
- We are watching (1868) - Cushing, Orcutt William, Root, George Frederick
- We bring the sacrifice of praise (1984) - Dearman, Kirk
- We cry holy (1993) - Funk, Billy
- We declare your majesty (1985) - Plessis, Malcolm
- We give You thanks (1980) - Quigley, Bill & Mary
- We have come into this house (1976) - Ballinger, Bruce
- We lift up our eyes (1986) - DeGersigny, Isi
- We three kings (1857) - Hopkins, H. John
- We will glorify (1982) - Paris, Twila
- We'll be faithful (1993) - Harris, Don, Nystrom, Martin J.
- We're together again (1975) - Hilton, Wayne, Jensen, Gordon
- We’ll understand it better by & by (1905) - Tindley Charles Albert
- What a day that will be (1955) - Hill, Jim
- What a friend we have in Jesus (1855) - Converse, Charles Crozat, Scriven, Medlicott Joseph
- What I’ve Found in Jesus
- What if it were today? (1912) - Morris, Lelia
- When I survey (1887) - Lee, Alexander, Watts, Isaac
- When the battle's over (1905) - Lind, A. E., Watts, Isaac
- When the day is dark before you (1930) - Pace, M. Adger
- When the roll is called up yonder (1893) - Black, James Milton
- When the saints go marching in - Negro spiritual
- When the spirit of the Lord - Άγνωστος, Εβραϊκή μελωδία
- When trials come (2005) - Getty, Keith, Getty, Kristyn
- When we all get to heaven (1898) - Hewitt, E. Eliza, Wilson D. Emily
- Where can one look for wisdom? (1864) - Mason, Lowell, Peterson, Susan H.
- Where could I go? (1940) - Coats, James Buchanan
- Where He leads me (1890) - Blandy, Ernest William , Norris, S. John
- Where is my boy tonight? (1877) - Lowry, Robert
- Where the gates swing outward never (1917) - Gabriel, Hutchinson Charles
- Who am I (2003) - Hall, Mark
- Who is like Thee (1991) - Wilbur, Paul
- Why do you wait (1878) - Root, George Frederick
- Wir singen von Jesus, sein ist gewalt und macht («https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijcGjJkFhmU») - Buffum, Herbert
- With all I am (2004) - Morgan, Reuben Timothy
- Wonderful grace of Jesus (1918) - Lillenas, Haldor
- Wonderful story of love (1885) - Driver, John Merritte
- Wonderful words of life (1875) - Bliss, Philip Paul
- Wondrous story (1886) - Bilhorn, P. Peter, Rowley, H. Francis
- Worthy is the Lamb (2000) - Zschech, Darlene
- Yes, I know! (1920) - Waterman W. Anna
- Yesterday, today, forever (1890) - Burke, H. James, Simpson, B. Albert
- You alone can rescue (2008) - Myrin, Jonas, Redman, Matt
- You are crowned with many crowns (1984) - Sellers, John
- You are God (1999) - Katinas
- You are my all in all (1991) - Jernigan, Dennis L.
- You are my hiding place (1981)
- You are the mighty king (1982) - Espinosa, Eddie
- You are the one/ Toi, leve toi - Schneider, Rolf
- You are the song that I sing (1984) - Moody, Doug
- You are worthy - Lawrum, Gaylord
- You bled (2010) - Rend Collective
- You deserve the glory (« Vi vill ge Dig ära», 1992) - Hellmark, Eva Lena, MacAlmon, Terry
- You make me lie down in green pastures (1985) - Zuziak, Kathy
- You raise me up (2002) - Brendan, Graham, Lovland, Rolf
- Your love never fails (2004) - McClarney, Chris , Skinner, Anthony
- Αγάπη θαυμαστή (1988) - Αρώνης, Νότης
- Αγαπώ τον μπαμπά («Μα Εσένα όμως πιο πολύ», 1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Άγιο τ' όνομά Σου (1986) - Καλοτεράκης, Φαίδων
- Άγιος ο αμνός (2021) - Μανωλίδου, Τατιάνα
- Άγιος ο Θεός, άγιος ισχυρός, (1977) - Σπανουδάκης, Σταμάτης
- Άγιος, άγιος, άγιος Κύριος Σαβαώθ (300) - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 01 - Μελωδία Ζουλού
- Άγνωστος 02 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 03 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 04
- Άγνωστος 05
- Άγνωστος 06 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 07 - Άγνωστος, Εβραϊκή μελωδία
- Άγνωστος 08 - Παραδοσιακό
- Άγνωστος 09 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 10 - Fischer, John
- Άγνωστος 11 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 12
- Άγνωστος 13 - Clayton, Norman J.
- Άγνωστος 14 - Eberhard, A.
- Άγνωστος 15 - Negel, L.
- Άγνωστος 16 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 17 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 18 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 19 - Tsumsteg, Elias
- Άγνωστος 20 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 21 - Weber G.
- Άγνωστος 22 - Άγνωστος
- Άγνωστος 23 (1960) - Johnson, N. David
- Άγνωστος 24
- Άγνωστος 25
- Αδέλφια τ' ουρανού («Ο ύμνος της σποράς», 1989) - Αρώνης, Νότης
- Αλήθεια πάνε (1962) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Αληθινές και δίκαιες («Το στόμα μου Σε επαινεί», 2007) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Άλλοι Τον λένε Ιησού. (1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Άλλοτε γιός της αμαρτίας - Άγνωστος
- Αμαρτωλός εγώ - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Αν («Ξεδιψασμένος», 2002) - Νικολάου, Κώστας
- Αν τον κόσμο θα κερδίσεις («Κάτι θα σου λείπει», 1980) - Αντωνάκος, Δημήτρης
- Απ’ την καρδιά μου (1995) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Αποκατάσταση (2008) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Αργά κρατώντας το σταυρό - Άγνωστος, Πορτινός, Σπύρος
- Ασπίδα μου ο Χριστός (1979) - Αντωνάκος, Δημήτρης
- Αυτά τα μάτια («Τον αγαπάς;») - Αναγνώστου, Μάνος, Πορτινός, Σπύρος
- Αυτός που την ελπίδα (1981) - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής, Πέτρου, Αργύρης
- Άφησε τον θρόνο (2014) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Βάδιζε μπρός (1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Δημήτριος (Τζίμης), Καραβάς, Χρήστος
- Βαδίζουμε μαζί στη ζωή («Γι’ αυτό Σ’ αγαπώ», 2007) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Βλέπουνε τα μάτια μου - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Βοήθειά μου σ' αυτή τη ζωή - Σπανός, Νίκος
- Βουβοί σκυφτοί και φορτωμένοι («Νοσταλγοί») - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής, Πεταλίδης, Ανέστης
- Βρήκα λύτρωση στον σταυρό («Ελεύθερος ζω», 2003) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Γεννήθηκα σ΄ αυτόν τον κόσμο (1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Για Σένα θα ζήσω (1984) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Για τη ζωή που μου χάρισες («Λόγια που δεν ξέρω», 1997) - Νικολάου, Κώστας
- Για του Χριστού τη χάρη (1985) - Αναγνώστου, Μάνος, Μπούσιος, Γιώργος, Περιάλης, Αντώνης
- Γλυκέ Πατέρα (2000) - Νικολάου, Κώστας
- Γυρνούσα δίχως φως κι αλήθεια - Μπούσιος, Γιώργος
- Εγώ είμαι μαζί σου (2009) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Είμαι εδώ στην παρουσία Σου («Ρωμαίους 12:1», 1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Είμαστ' εμείς λαός Θεού - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Είμαστε παιδιά του μεγάλου Θεού (2010) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Είμαστε πολίτες όλοι τ’ ουρανού, - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής
- Είμαστε υπερνικητές με τον Ιησού (2008) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Είν’ ένας ήλιος (1999) - Αλεξανδρής, Σώτης, Αναγνώστου, Μάνος
- Είναι κοντά (1980) - Αντωνάκος, Δημήτρης
- Είναι τα χρόνια μια στιγμή («Κύριε, είσαι η αλήθεια») - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής, Πεταλίδης, Ανέστης
- Εις δε τον βασιλέα των αιώνων (1982) - Καραβάς, Χρήστος
- Εισ΄ η ελπίδα («Είσαι ο καλός ποιμένας», 1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Είσαι (1998) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Είσαι Εσύ Θεός μεγάλος (1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Είσαι καλός και στοργικός («Πόσο πολύτιμες είναι οι σκέψεις Σου», 2013) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Είσαι ο δρόμος (1989) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Είσαι ο Κύριος του ουρανού (1997) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Έλα Ιησού (1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Ελάτε να γιορτάσουμε (2010) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Εν αρχή ο Θεός εποίησε (2003) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Ένας είν’ ο δρόμος (1975) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Έριξες φως στις καρδιές μας («Ουράνια χαρά», 1977) - Αντωνάκος, Δημήτρης
- Έρχεται ο Χριστός - Άγνωστος
- Έρχομαι Κύριε στον θρόνο της χάρης («Ό,τι καλύτερο») - Ηλία, Χαρούλα
- Έρχομαι στον θρόνο Σου Θεέ - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Έτοιμη Θεέ μου («Θέλω σε αγαπά, Κύριε η ισχύς μου», 1985) - Νικολάου, Κώστας
- Ευλογείτε τον Κύριο όλοι οι λαοί (2003) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Έχω μια πατρίδα («Πάροικοι», 1978) - Αντωνάκος, Δημήτρης
- Η αγάπη με λυγίζει (2019) - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής, Πεταλίδης, Ανέστης
- Η γέννησίς Σου Χριστέ (1200) - Βυζαντινό
- Η δόξα ανήκει σ' Αυτόν (2001) - Μπάσος, Άκης
- Η χάρις του Κυρίου Ιησού (1968) - Αγγελάτος, Μιλτιάδης
- Ήμουν ημέρα δίχως τον ήλιο (1978) - Βίγκος, Σπύρος
- Ήμουνα στον κόσμο τούτο - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Ήρθαμε (2000) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Ήρθαν τα Χριστούγεννα (2000) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Ήρθες στη γη («Εμμανουήλ», 2017) - Μανωλίδου, Τατιάνα
- Ησύχασε καρδιά μου (2007) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Ησύχασε τη θάλασσα (1978) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Ήταν μια μέρα ο Ιησούς («Ψαράδες ανθρώπων», 1978) - Αναστασίου, Γιασουμής
- Κάθε μου όνειρο, Θεέ («Από καρδιάς», 2000) - Λιτσικάκης, Μιχάλης
- Κάθομαι στην άκρη του γιαλού («Δως μου τα φτερά», 1998) - Νικολάου, Κώστας
- Κάνω μαζί σου, Κύριε («Αναστημένε Ιησού») - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής, Πεταλίδης, Ανέστης
- Κάποτε ήμουνα μακριά (1977) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Καρδιά μου τόνισε - Αρώνης, Νότης
- Κάτω από τη σκέπη σου («Ψαλμός 91», 2008) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Κοντά σε Σε («Kοντά σε Σε λυτρωτή», 2002) - Λιτσικάκης, Μιχάλης, Σαχινίδης, Κυριάκος
- Κράτα με σφικτά («Κάτω απ’ τη σκιά των πτερύγων Σου», 1998) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Κτίσε με ξανά (1994) - Κατικαρίδης, Νίκος
- Κύριε μου Σε δοξολογώ («Δόξα, δόξα στο Θεό», 2008) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Κύριε τι να προσφέρω («Στον σταυρό», 2002) - Λιτσικάκης, Μιχάλης
- Κύριε, πιο κοντά Σου (2003) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Μ' αγάπησες πολύ (2012) - Χατζηεφραιμίδης, Νίκος
- Μακάρι - Αρώνης, Νότης
- Μας άφησες διαθήκη («Κληρονομιά», 2004) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Μας λέει η γραφή («Πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο», 2008) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Με το αίμα του Χριστού υπερνικώ («Υποσχέσεις», 2009) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Μείνε κοντά μου (2024) - Μανωλίδου, Τατιάνα
- Μέρες πολλές πέρασαν - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής, Πεταλίδης, Ανέστης
- Μες στο σκοτάδι το πυκνό - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Μες στον τραχύ μου το δρόμο - Φερεντίνου, Μαρία
- Μετά απ’ αυτά είδα («Αποκάλυψη 7:9-17», 1977) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Μην πεις - Αναγνώστου, Μάνος, Πορτινός, Σπύρος
- Μια μέρα άνοιξε για με ο ουρανός («Χαμογελάω και τραγουδάω») - Αναγνώστου, Ρίτα, Αναγνώστου, Μάνος
- Μου ζήτησες να’ ρθω («Με το παράδειγμά Σου», 2022) - Κικίνης, Χρυσοβαλάντης, Τοπάλογλου, Αντώνης
- Ο Θεός ετοιμάζει στρατό (2005) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Ο Κύριος ο Θεός μου («Είναι φρούριο», 2007) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Ο Κύριος των φτωχών (2014) - Λιτσικάκης, Μιχάλης, Παπαδοπούλου, Λώις
- Ο Χριστός ήρθε για με - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Ο Χριστός μας ήλθε εις τον κόσμο - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Ό,τι και αν είμαι («Με τον Χριστό έχω τα πάντα», 2002) - Μηλιώρη, Αναστασία
- Ό,τι πιο πολύτιμο (2006) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Οι πύλες του άδη δεν θα υπερισχύσουν (2010) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Όλ' η ζωή μου - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Ολόγιομο σου το’ δωσα - Παπάζογλου, Κωστής, Πεταλίδης, Ανέστης
- Όταν νιώθω («Ώρα για προσευχή», 1962) - Αγγελάτος, Μιλτιάδης
- Όταν ο ήλιος παύει να λάμπει («Ελάτε κουρασμένοι», 1982) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Όταν οι μέρες σκοτεινές - Αρώνης, Νότης
- Όταν τον ήλιο σκεπάζουν («Στρέψε τα μάτια σου ψηλά», 1987) - Ιωαννίδης, Ξενοφών
- Ουχί δία δυνάμεως (2005) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Πάντα στο πλευρό κοντά μου
- Πήγα κάτω στην Ομόνοια («Το καρναβάλι», 2003) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Πήρα το κόκκινο («Ζωγραφιά», 2023) - Ηλία, Χαρούλα
- Πιασμένοι απ’ το χέρι («Μαζί») - Καλοτεράκης, Φαίδων
- Ποιητή και βασιλιά μου (1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Πόσο αγαπώ τον λόγο Σου - Καραβάς, Χρήστος
- Πόσο χαίρετ’ η καρδιά μας - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Ποτέ μοναχός - Μαχαίρας, Τάσος
- Πριν σχηματιστείς (2009) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Προχωρούμε ενωμένοι («Κατακυριεύουμε», 1999) - Κυριακίδου, Ντόροθυ
- Σε εμπιστεύομαι - Ιωαννίδης, Ξενοφών
- Σημάδι ελπίδας (2014) - Κουκουλάκη, Χάρις
- Στερνή πνοή (2019) - Κετεντζιάν, Έλλη
- Στη βάση του θρόνου Σου (2001) - Καραθανάση, Έφη
- Στη γαλήνη (2001) - Καραθανάση, Έφη
- Στην αγκαλιά του Χριστού - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Στηρίζω την ελπίδα μου στο μέγα λυτρωτή («Ω, Ιερουσαλήμ», 1976) - Πολυμενίδης, Γιώργος
- Στις δικές Σου τις παλάμες - Φραγκόπουλος, Ορέστης
- Τα καλύτερα λόγια μου («Άρρητα λόγια», 1990) - Καρκάνης, Γιάννης, Φερεντίνου, Μαρία
- Τα σημεία του κόσμου - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Τη ζωή, που μου χάρισες («Τη στιγμή», 2005) - Λιτσικάκης, Μιχάλης
- Την oυράνια τη δόξα («Για τον ξύλινο σταυρό», 2008) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Την μεγάλη τη νύχτα θυμάμαι - Τσομπανόπουλος, Κυριάκος Πατέρας
- Την ώρα που έλεγα (1976) - Πολυμενίδης, Γιώργος
- Της χαράς το μονοπάτι - Φραγκόπουλος, Ορέστης
- Τι ευτυχία και χαρά - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Τι θα μας χωρίσει («Τίποτα», 2010) - Κυριακίδου, Ρούλα
- Τι με έκαμες, Χριστέ μου («Ήταν μια καρδιά») - Αρώνης, Νότης
- Τι μυστήριο (1994) - Ιωαννίδης, Ξενοφών
- Το νόημα είσαι Εσύ (2014) - Κουκουλάκη, Χάρις
- Τόσον ο Θεός μας αγάπησε («Ιωάννης 3:16», 1982) - Ζαχαρίου, Πάνος
- Χαίρεται και ψάλλει η καρδιά μας - Δημητριάδης, Γιάννης
- Χέρια χλομά της προσευχής - Αντωνιάδης, Βασίλης, Φερεντίνου, Μαρία
- Χριστέ μου σαν συλλογιστώ (1988) - Αρώνης, Νότης
- Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών (200) - Άγνωστος
- Χριστός γεννάται δοξάσατε - Μελωδός, Κοσμάς, Ναζιανζινός, Γρηγόριος
- Χριστούγεννα («Γεννήθηκες σωτήρα μας», 2016) - Μανωλίδου, Τατιάνα